With many changes underway in the world of title and registration, MADA has developed a number of materials to help your dealership adapt. Please use the information posted here as your go-to resource and take advantage of MADA’s training classes and vendors who can assist you during the transition from MNLARS to MNDRIVE.

Integration: All Vendors currently integrate or will soon integrate with the top 5 DMS systems (Auto/Mate, Autosoft, CDK, Dealertrack, and Reynolds and Reynolds), as well as various other DMS Systems. For a full list of integrations, click here.

Gaye Smith | gsmith@DLRdmv.com  | 612.337.1963

Website: https://www.dlrdmv.com/

Susan Berger | susanb@vitu.com | 612.271.0602

Website: https://vitu.com