Title Solutions

Why was this created?

Our experienced and skilled team is well-equipped and prepared to take on any challenge that may come our way. We’ve dealt with a wide range of title issues throughout the years, and have honed our abilities and knowledge to ensure that we can tackle them all successfully.

Whether you’re dealing with a transfer of ownership, complex legal requirements, or just need help navigating the process, you can count on us to provide you with the guidance and support that you need. 

We understand that dealing with titles can be confusing and overwhelming, but you can trust us to make the process as smooth and stress-free as possible. 


So why not let us take the reins and help you with your title needs?

It's really great to hear that you're seeking a team to assist you with handling any possible situation that may arise with titles.

Titling vehicles in Minnesota can be tricky, even though the state has updated their system. Dealerships can still have problems with paperwork, transferring titles from out-of-state, and incorrect vehicle history that could cause delays in the title and registration process.


We Know The Industry!

You're definitely in the right plce!

MADA is the only advocate for franchised new car and trucks dealers in Minnesota. 

We provide advocacy, specialized expertise training and communications.


We Are Here To Help You With Any Questions You May Have

MADA Title Assist Hotline gives subscribed members an on-demand resource to help solve your Minnesota title questions.

MADA Title Assist On-Site will place a title resolution expert in your dealership to process titles.


MADA members can purchase a subscription to MADA’s Title Assist Hotline service by logging into their my.mada.org OR clicking HERE.

MADA members can secure MADA’s Title Assist On-Site service by contacting Alice Morse at alice@mada.org or 651-789-2956.

MADA’s Title Assist Hotline addresses title and registration questions and transactions originating in the state of Minnesota. MADA endorses the product – Vitu Interstate to assist with member’s out-of-state title transaction needs.

MADA Title Assist Hotline

  • 3-Month Subscription @ $150 a month ($450 total)
  • 6-Month Subscription @ $125 a month ($750 total)
  • 12-Month Subscription @ $100 a month ($1200 total)

MADA Title Assist On-Site

  • $80/hour plus expenses

“Our team of experts is amazing. Led by well-renouned Aly Quinn, her knowledge is felt everywhere .”

Alice Morse